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TooStupidGamerz (Youtube Channel)

Roles: Graphic Design, Illustration, Video Editing, Video Production, Motion Graphics & Animation.

TooStupidGamerz is a Youtube channel that focuses on popular culture, conventions, interviews, unboxing, and game-related media.


Back in the summer of 2016, I was trying to find ways to expand upon my skills. I had rewatched some episodes of an old show called "X-Play" and was inspired to start making videos focusing on things that I enjoy.

I teamed up with my friend and together we started planning how our channel will look like.


This show was a lot of fun to watch!

Choosing a name

Choosing a name for our channel proved to be a tough decision. Many names were tossed around. "Warp Room" (A name based on certain areas in games that can teleport you to places.) stuck around for a while. But we felt it didn't capture what we were really about. We are just two good friends that like to goof around, play games and talk about interesting stuff. Then inspiration struck! My friend reminded me of a cartoon from the '90s called "Two Stupid Dogs". A show about two dogs getting into hilarious scenarios while not knowing what they were doing. We both loved that show and decided to base our name on that.

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This show was hilarious and gave us a great idea for a name.

Once a name was decided upon, I quickly got to work on the aesthetic of the channel. Since one of our big focuses was gaming, I experimented with a retro/pixelated aesthetic. I tried many different Type Faces and settled on Fixedsys for the Type Face. I also wanted to ensure that our faces were part of the identity of the channel. After using some photo references, I created pixel style face icons for both of us. These are used in video introductions, gameplay videos (To help indicate who is playing and commenting), stickers, Youtube channel art, Social Media branding, etc...

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Here's a more updated banner that we use for Social Media.

As time continued, I revised the look and branding of our channel. I did away with the original background and went for a more two-tone hue of Orange. I also added a more pronounced stroke around the face icons to help them stand out better. Our current look is much crisper and cleaner as a result.

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One of our many banners.

This updated design is used for our Twitter page.

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Some more pixel art depicting the both of us in fighting stances. We use these for specific videos, usually challenge videos.

Our road to greatness

After launching our channel in December 2016, we quickly wanted to carve our mark on the information superhighway. We started pumping out content every week and soon started uploading videos twice a week.

We then noticed that SONY was holding a special contest in the Spring of 2017 called "Road to Greatness".

We both figured we could at the very least, try and enter the contest. After some careful planning, filming, and editing, we entered our video for consideration. After months of waiting, we got the results back and we were chosen as one of the winners!

The prize was a trip to Georgia for the "Petit le mons" race, and a prize package containing a new gaming console, and games.

Here's the video that won the contest. I'm still very proud of it.

After winning and experiencing an amazing event, we decided to expand our channel to start and cover conventions as well. We got tickets to go to the Anime NYC convention in 2017, which we covered in detail with several videos. We must have done a good job because the people running Anime NYC also gave us free Press Passes to cover the convention again for the last 2 years. 

We also covered New York Comic Con, Borough Con, Play NYC, and most recently PAX East (which is held every year in Boston).

Here's one of our more recent videos covering the PAX East Convention in Boston.

Future goals

We enjoy running this Youtube channel. Creating content that captures the attention and entertains people fills us with a drive to keep creating.

Our goal for the future is to keep growing our channel, and to keep going to events, and to keep showcasing things we find fun and interesting.

Feel free to check us out on Youtube or on our social media accounts.

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